Politics Roundup: Mike Huckabee, gun training, and NRA elections

Former Arkansas Gov. and potential presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is making the news with pro-gun statements.

We reported last week that gun rights activist Rick Ward is a candidate for MS State Representative. He also sells gun training, and said on the radio this week that he opposes your right to legally carry a gun without government-mandated-and-approved training. (You know, the kind NOT required prior to the exercise of ANY OTHER civil right.) He said there HAS to be restrictions, specifically a training requirement.

Former Texas governor and potential presidential candidate Rick Perry made a similar statement this week, indicating that he was “not necessarily all that fond of this open carry concept,” adding that those who carry guns ought to be “appropriately backgrounded, appropriately vetted, appropriately trained,” and that “we license people to drive on our highways. We give them that privilege. The same is true with our concealed handguns.”

Bearing arms is a RIGHT bestowed by God, not a privilege given by Texas, governor. Texas may be great, but it ain’t God. Look it up.

Good training is a good thing, if you can find it, and you should definitely have some. However, when someone selling widgets says that the government ought to require you to buy widgets…. caveat emptor. If they’re truly good widgets, they wouldn’t need a law requiring you to buy them — they would need a bigger widget factory.

I don’t think these are bad guys, but I disagree with them on this issue.

You have until March 22 for your ballot to be received for the NRA Board of Directors election.


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