Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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2A News

“2A news is still the bestest gun site on the net!”

- Bud W.

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Enemies, Idiocy, Stuff, Products

6-Sep-2024 | 0

Litigation The US District Court for the Central District of California has ruled in the case CRPA vs. LASD that California must start issuing nonresident CCW licenses. Judge Iain D. Johnston of the US District Court for Northern Illinois, Western Division, has declared the State of Illinois’ ban on carrying firearms on public transportation and in public transportation facilities unconstitutional […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Lotsa Litigation, Historical Bans, Enemies, NRA, States, Products

30-Aug-2024 | 1

Litigation The courts have been busy. Mostly because the government is running wild. US District Judge John W. Broomes of the District of Kansas correctly dismissed a case against a man accused of having two machine guns, saying that these firearms are protected as bearable arms under the Second Amendment. (Same thing goes for sawed-off guns and suppressors.) The case […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Leftovers, Litigation, ATF, DGUs, Redneck Rattle

23-Aug-2024 | 0

Leftovers The following items didn’t make it into last week’s edition. Our apologies. NRA Going Deeper Into Judge Cohen’s Interim Decision (h/t John Richardson*) Part 1Part 2 *John is running for an NRA Board position. He’s on the right side. You can help with a petition here. Enemies Lumumba Sayers Sr., a former MMA fighter and an anti-gun activist whose […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Election, Litigation, NRA, SS

16-Aug-2024 | 0

Election Democrat VP candidate Tim Walz: “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war [sic], is [sic] the only place where those weapons are allowed to be carried.”   In other words, he believes in violating his military oath to defend the Constitution.   (“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, NRA, enemies, DGUs, history, tactics

9-Aug-2024 | 0

The Best. Shout-out to Tom Gresham for giving us a plug on last week’s Gun Talk Radio program. Thanks, Tom. And welcome to the new list members. You can review back issues of the 2A News that you’ve missed at the website. Some issues are better than others. If you don’t like this one, wait a week and I’ll […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Simply the Best!, Litigation, NRA, Newsletters

2-Aug-2024 | 0

2A News makes the cut. We have learned that our humble little 2A Newsletter blog has made FeedSpot’s list of the 60 Best Tactical Blogs and Websites in 2024, from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness. We are at #22.  While I do not consider this a competition and I […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, NRA, Dogs

26-Jul-2024 | 0

Election We note that VP Kamala Harris, boss of Joe Biden’s White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and presumptively the Democrats’ pick for President since Joe Biden wandered off on National Ice Cream Day, is considerably worse on guns than Biden, and more importantly is not as ineffective as Biden. Of course that is true of pretty much any […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Tactics, Tommy Guns

19-Jul-2024 | 0

‘Merica: Assassination attempt I’ll not try to cover all the noise about last Saturday’s events and Keystone cops tactical errors, other than the following random thoughts. Suffice it to say that the evil sensationalizing media gets most of it wrong – many times laughably wrong. Likewise, the conspiracy theorists yammering 5 minutes after the event are mostly making up their […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

MORE Litigation, Only Ones, 1/4 of CO Homicides Justifiable, Obit

12-Jul-2024 | 0

The dinosaurs didn’t have guns. How’d that work out for them? Action item Add your name to tell your two US Senators to pass H.R. 615 to END President Biden’s backdoor attempt at banning lead ammo. Editable letter. Litigation The big news is that the US Supreme Court in the case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, overturned the expansive doctrine […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

More Litigation, Big Brother, Local MS Laws, tactics

28-Jun-2024 | 0

Housekeeping No newsletter next week due to the Independence Day holiday. Celebrate being free! A Declaration of Independence From Joe Biden There are no “knock knock” jokes about America, because freedom rings. Litigation You’ve undoubtedly seen the news that the Supreme Court’s 8-1 decision in the Rahimi case upheld a temporary ban on firearm possession for those subject to a […]

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