Jeff is a lifelong Mississippi resident who grew up hunting and shooting here. Now retired, he is a state licensed and AAEES certified professional engineer, an Eagle Scout, a Christian (Baptist), husband, father, grandfather and unrepentant redneck.
Interests include most things mechanical, with a particular weakness for “yellow iron,” tracked machinery, and four (or more) wheel drive vehicles, and of course power tools. He has done mechanic work, mostly diesel tractors, since the 1970s and fixes most of his own stuff, including household repairs, mechanic work, welding, ag & landscape, electrical, appliances, and minor gunsmithing. A jack of most (noncomputerized) trades, if you will.
His favorite smells are freshly fired paper shotgun shells and diesel smoke. He is an avid reader, a hunter and an occasional reloader/handloader of metallic cartridges, and lover of dogs and real country music.
He also has served several terms as an officer of the Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association, as chief of security at his church, and served on the very first Central Mississippi Friends of NRA Committee.
It is a rare week that he hasn’t fixed something or shot something.