Some of you are fleeing wildfires and some of us are riding out a minor hurricane, which didn’t amount to a wet sneeze where I am. I hope this finds everyone doing well.
- How Some Courts are Evading Bruen by Changing its Rules.
- Last week a three-judge panel of the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled in the cases Wolford v. Lopez and Carralero v. Bonta that Hawaii and California can enforce bans in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. Additionally, the Court upheld California’s carry ban in casinos, libraries, zoos, stadiums, museums and their adjacent parking lots, and Hawaii’s ban at beaches. We AGAIN note that the “sensitive places” nonsense was simply made up by the late SCOTUS Justice Scalia in the Heller decision. It’s NOT in the Constitution.
- More updates.
Enemies & Election

- The Kamala Harris campaign has finally posted a platform on its website, calling for unconstitutional bans of guns, magazines and private gun sales, “red flag” laws and more gun control programs. But under the platform section on “Civil Rights and Freedoms,” there is not one word about anything in the Bill of Rights; just some claptrap about queirdo marriages.
- “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback [i.e., forcible confiscation] program.” – Kamala Harris at an October 2019 forum. She now says she doesn’t support that position anymore. Don’t believe it. She still wants your guns, but has changed her position on stating that, because that would lose her some votes. Period.
- Kamala Harris also called for removing cops from schools to fight racial “inequities” and as an effort to “demilitarize” school campuses in a 2019 interview. You know, cops like the ones who stopped the Georgia school massacre last week. She doesn’t care about children. She just wants your guns. I suggest instead removing cops and armed guards from Harris’ entourage.
- Likewise, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever, has long been a gun ban advocate. Now they’ve teamed up with the March for Our Lives gun ban group to push for removing police from schools.
- Greg Erlandson, the former president and editor-in-chief of Catholic News Service, says gun ownership is immoral. So what about that sword that early Christians were commanded to go buy? Just another poop Francis acolyte I suppose.
- In spite of the fact that Illinois’ gun ban on public transportation operated by the Chicago Transit Authority was struck down by a US District Court last month, four sleeping passengers were fatally shot by a single perpetrator on a CTA train on Labor Day. We suspect that the gun ban was still in practical effect.
NRA updates
The Only Ones
- Anatomy of a stupid.
- Georgia school attack: In Georgia, just three of the 180 school districts allow armed teachers. Those are Laurens, Gordon, and Fannin Counties. Apalachee High School is in the Barrow County School System, so there weren’t any armed school staff besides the three school resource officers. Those officers had to get to the scene of the attack and engage the killer, at which time the coward surrendered. A week before the shooting, all teachers at the school were issued a form of ID called Centegix, which includes a panic button for any potential active situation in the school. But no guns. Three unarmed teachers were shot.
- An armed Tulsa homeowner prevailed when attacked by five men in his yard.
- Investigation Underway After Man Shot To Death At Simpson County Home
- Gun-Owning Customer Defends Convenience Store Clerk From Armed Robber
- Homeowner Shoots Intruder Through Door to Protect His Family After Being Pushed to the Ground and Locked Out
- Poor lady needs more accuracy training. We also note that police took her gun.
- The Armed Citizen:
Not a DGU
- If you insist on carrying a gun in your purse, then insist that it be in a proper secure holster or gun compartment.
Department of Idiocy
Tactics & Stuff
- Listen to the first part of the second hour of last Sunday’s Gun Talk Radio program – the interview with Stephen Willeford. Just do it. (All of the Gun Talk Radio programs are worth the listen.)
- Selecting New Duty Sidearms: A Case Study. Ayoob.
- I found the choice valid and interesting. “Two test samples had gone over 10,000 rounds each without a single malfunction.”
- Improvised Weapons Use In Personal Defense. Janich.
- The problem with this sort of article (not this particular article) is not so much that the information might be flawed, but that there is a pretty big logic flaw if you’re studying up on not being prepared and having to improvise, instead of on being prepared. It makes me irate when some armed-to-the-teeth cop shows up and tells me to hit the terrorist with a stapler. Is that what you have in your holster, Barney?
- Bear spray vs. guns against bears. Why you read so much conflicting info.
- Pistol reloads. Spaulding.
- Real-Life Disparity of Force Case. Ellifritz.
“I have never seen an indoor range floor (nor a dojo floor) that was slick with mud, blood, and ice, covered with snow, large rocks, downed power lines, and glass fragments, with sharp curbs, fallen tree-branches, and cracked/uneven pavement.” – John Farnam
Industry News
- Chris Cox, who was the head of NRA-ILA before being ousted by pernicious former NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre because Cox wouldn’t sign off for LaPierre to raid protected ILA funds for illegal use, has launched a new group. The Secure Our Freedom Alliance, a 501(c)4 organization, was created to fill the gaps left behind in educating gun owners this election cycle.

- Palmetto State Armory has the Tokarev USA TTF Titan 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun on clearance sale for $110 while supplies last. Fixed cylinder choke, only 6 lbs., 2 oz.
- Gun Review: Century Arms Centurion 14 Hi-Power Clone
- FedArm Ammo draws scathing reviews
- Rossi USA has expanded its R95 lever action rifle line with new offerings in popular straight wall cartridges: .44 Mag., .357 Mag., .444 Marlin, and .360 Buckhammer.
- Ruger is now chambering its LC Carbineâ„¢ in 10mm Auto. The model number is 19307, and the design is based on the 45 Auto LC Carbine. The 10mm Auto version takes Glock-pattern full-size double stack 10mm magazines, even legacy 3rd Gen models.
- I didn’t see this one coming. Bear Creek Arsenal now has an AR rifle in 7mm Rem. Mag.
- Holland & Holland in Colour. Striking.
An unkillable soldier. Dabbs.
“Security is proactive; police are reactive.” – Veteran police officer and security expert