We know that as Lafayette Police entered the theater to engage the killer he killed himself. As usual, these things end only after a good guy with a gun shows up.
The Grand 16 Theater is a “gun free” zone — the chain it belongs to prohibits “Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind regardless of whether openly or concealed, with or without a permit.” Also prohibited are “Disruptive or disorderly conduct, Violence, intimidation, or physically threatening behavior, and Unlawful conduct or activity.” Lafayette residents stated via Twitter that The Grand 16 is the only theater in Lafayette that is a “gun free zone,” but we have not been able to independently verify that claim.
Southern Theatres, LLC., owned and operated by George Solomon, is currently responsible for the daily operations of The Grand Theatres, Amstar Cinemas, The Theatres at Canal Place and oversight of operations for Movie Tavern. It has 40 locations mostly in the southeast.
It took only 12 minutes for the first calls of more gun control to come in.
Note that in MS, one can legally open carry or CCW (with an enhanced permit) even in theaters with “no guns” signs posted. But if they know you’re carrying, they may ask you to leave, alive.