
Liars at CNN, the White House, and more

Another mass shooting sears deep into our collective consciousness, but it is hype and hysteria on the rise, not violence. CNN has apparently re-colored its image of the Oregon killer, such that he appears far more caucasian in their image than he does in other images. And the Washington Post and CNN insist that the US is averaging more than […]

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Liars at Americans for Responsible Solutions

On September 21 Americans for Responsible Solutions — the gun control group founded by Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly — tweeted numbers from the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP) claiming armed citizens in America have killed more people since 1989 than all wars since 1776 combined. That of course is a lie. Two anti-gun groups, the Newtown Action

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Jean Fontaine is wrong

Jean Fontaine is the “data lead” (I think that means file clerk) for South Carolina Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. She lives in Greenville, SC. Ms Fontaine had an op-ed in the Greenville News regarding a training session she attended in Minneapolis, MN this summer. She started the column by saying: “This summer, I took training in

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Washington Post lies

The Washington Post says the US is averaging more than one mass shooting (4 or more people in one incident) per day in 2015. That is a lie. The W. Post also said this week that gun control won’t stop gun violence, and we must demand gun control. Yes, both in the same article. In the same paragraph. I wonder

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Giffords/Kelly not in favor of ‘gun control’?

Gabby Giffords and her space cadet hubby Mark Kelly now say they are NOT in favor of “gun control,” but instead promote “gun responsibility.” But they have spent the years since Giffords was shot supporting new gun trafficking laws, new laws on gun show sales, new laws on Internet sales, limits on ammunition magazine capacity, expanded background checks and gun

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FBI lies!

We reported last fall about the FBI report that erroneously claimed mass shooting attacks and deaths were up sharply between 2000 and 2013, and getting worse. The administration of course fanned the flames as the lamestream media prominently featured the “findings” just six weeks before the midterm elections. OUR report indicated that Crime Prevention Research Center President and scholar John

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Leslie Ervin and Liars

Leslie Ervin, testifying for Moms Demand Action, has been caught misleading the Texas Senate for implying by omission that the tragic killing of her husband by her son resulted from the use of a firearm. In reality, her son killed his father with a pipe wrench and a knife. Ervin testified before the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee while wearing

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More liars to watch

We have a report that Everytown for Gun Safety’s Scott Hogan has been hired as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign “grassroots” organizer in Minnesota. According to his Linkedin profile, Hogan received a master’s degree in public policy from Indiana University in 2011 (in other words, my socks have seen more public policy than he has) and has been working as Minnesota’s

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