FBI Recants FBI Alert. Aurora theater case update. F&F plea deal. ATF not an agency?

FBI Recants FBI Alert

After issuing two alerts (one reportedly below) about Middle Eastern men approaching military families in Colorado and Wyoming and making suspicious statements, the FBI has decided their warnings contained no credible threats to military personnel or their families.


Don’t relax just yet.

Aurora theater case update

We reported last week that the survivors and victims of the Aurora theater massacre have filed suit against the theater. The judge in the civil suit has lifted the gag order prohibiting the lawyers from gathering evidence against Cinemark for failing to protect Aurora cinema goers. So, perhaps we will learn what didn’t Cinemark do that it should have done, or what it did do that it shouldn’t have done (gun free zones).

“Fast & Furious” Murderer Takes Plea Deal. Obama Admin. Still Unaccountable For Felonious Gun-Walking Plot.

ATF says it’s not an agency

Details here.


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