Sen. Murphy talking mythology about guns

Rabid gun banner Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) described as “mythology” the proved true assertion that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, and then suggested the Sydney hostage incident reminds us that we have to a “conversation here in this country” about the legality of “assault weapons.”

You have a conversation. I’ll take defensive action.

For instance, in one day’s news alone I saw the following news headlines without doing any searching:

  • FL: Armed Robber Picks Armed Victim, Leaves Gun Behind
  • NC: 14-year-old Protects Grandmother, Shoots, Kills Intruder
  • IL: Homeowner Shoots Trespasser
  • FL: Two Pit Bulls Attack Mans Dog: He Shoots Them
  • NM: Burglary Suspect Shot, Killed, at Second House
  • MI: Man shot in chest after trying to kill estranged wife
  • PA: Homeowner calls 911; Shoots Suspect when Attacked
  • CA: More Burglars Shot, Less Burglaries. Who Knew?
  • VA: Neighbor Hears Screams, Shoots Attacking Dogs
  • NM: Smoke Shop Employee Shoots Robber, Who Was Armed With a Shotgun, in the Head
  • GA: 67-Year-Old in Walker Shoots Drunk Home Invader
  • MA: Liquor Store Owner fires at Fleeing Armed Robber
  • IN: Gun Beats Protective Order

Those are just a few. I found a few dozen more on the same day.

“When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.” – Tuco (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Regarding being armed, did you see the report of the Pennsylvania mass killer who confronted an armed citizen this week? Read it here.

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