Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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- Bud W.

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Terrorism & Response: Ma’alot Massacre, Israel, 15 May 1974

3-Dec-2014 | 0

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Gun uses in the news

3-Dec-2014 | 0

Meridian, MS “The victim, luckily he had protection. He had his firearm,” Det. Thompson says. “Once they realized he was about to reach for his gun, they fled the scene.” (source) Ferguson, MO unrest On a “St. Louis Coptalk” forum, a claimed (but unconfirmed) Ferguson-area officer reportedly posted a warning about what he expects to happen in Ferguson. It said: […]

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Schools safe from imaginary ray guns & dead rabbits

3-Dec-2014 | 0

A 10-year-old fifth-grader was suspended for two days from Stacy Middle School in Milford, MA, after pointing an imaginary ray gun – his finger – and mouthing laser sounds in the school’s cafeteria. A conduct slip, written by Assistant Principal Noah Collins, lists the offense as a threat. The school Principal is Nancy Angelini, and the Superintendent is Robert Tremblay. […]

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Chris Pratt is a coyote and varmint hunter

3-Dec-2014 | 0

In an unusual report out of Hollywood, we learned that Chris Pratt, the “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor who appears on the cover of GQ‘s December issue, is a coyote and varmint hunter. He revealed in his interview for the magazine that he skins and tans them, too. When asked why, Pratt replied “Because coyotes are a**holes, and they’ll eat […]

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Jay Leno cancels appearance at 2015 Las Vegas SHOT Show

2-Dec-2014 | 0

Comedian Jay Leno has unilaterally canceled his scheduled appearance at the NSSF’s 2015 Las Vegas SHOT show, due to his caving in to pressure from anti-gunners. Leno said that he’d spoken with Po Murray of the Newtown Action Alliance to let her know. “I understand it’s Newtown, and of course I get it,” Leno said. “It’s just sometimes, mistakes get […]

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Tom Brokaw on CNBC’s Squawk Box pushed for ban on semi-automatic rifles

2-Dec-2014 | 0

Earlier this month in a stroke of genius, I did not report the story that news anchor Tom Brokaw was hosting an NBC Sports special showing his return to South Dakota for the opening of pheasant season. This week, Brokaw appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to promote the show and spent a portion of the promotion pushing for more gun […]

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Facebook banned ad for gun safes and vaults

2-Dec-2014 | 0

Hyatt Guns, in Charlotte, NC, recently posted an ad for gun safes and vaults on their Facebook page as part of a Veterans Day promotion. Almost immediately, Facebook’s speech Nazis removed the ad from Hyatt’s page. Facebook says that since Hyatt sells guns, which are banned from Facebook, advertising for these other, innocuous products is also banned, although Facebook’s official […]

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News from Abroad

2-Dec-2014 | 0

Russia From, on 18 November, 2014: MOSCOW, November 18 (Sputnik) – Russia has updated its legislation to allow civilians to carry firearms for self-defense, according to an amended decree on lethal weapons that appeared Tuesday on the official database of Russian laws and legal documents. Russia now allows better gun rights than the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, […]

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AG nominee Loretta Lynch update

2-Dec-2014 | 0

You probably never heard of liberal Democrat Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama’s pick for attorney general, until last week. But we’re learning more . . .

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F&F and First Amendment update

2-Dec-2014 | 0

Although we mentioned this many months ago, we now have proof. A Department of Justice document dump to government watchdog Judicial Watch, made public this week, shows that former DOJ spokeswoman and Eric Holder minion Tracy Schmaler talked to the White House about “out of control” investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson was covering the felonious ATF Operation Fast and Furious […]

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