- A reminder that Mr. Trump promised “Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” but as far as we know since taking office he has not done anything about it.
- But there’s hope. We note that talking isn’t doing.
- The US District Court for the Central District of California issued a preliminary injunction in CRPA v. LASD, the Second Amendment Foundation’s legal challenge to the refusal of California officials to allow non-resident carry permits in the state. The injunction requires California to accept permit applications from any non-prohibited US resident outside the state who is a member of the California Rifle & Pistol Association, Incorporated, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners of California, Inc., or The Second Amendment Foundation. While the ruling was handed down Jan. 23, the order will go into effect in 90 days.
- SCOTUS to Decide Whether Atlanta Homeowners Can Sue FBI over Wrong Address Raid. The case has been relisted for the third time. No criminal charges against officers who committed the felonious armed assault.
- Grassroots report.
- A bid to free five elephants from a Colorado zoo has been rejected after a court ruled elephants are not people.
NRA Board Election
- Do NOT vote for anyone who was on the Board and silent during the abuses of Wayne LaPierre and the subsequent legal mess. As a Director, it was his or her job to know what was going on and act in the members’ best interests.
- Prioritize voting for NEW candidates.
- Vote for no more than 28 candidates. Bullet voting still works, but is less needed now as explained in the linked article. I have not yet received my ballot, but may not vote for that many.
- Recommendations here.
- And here.
- Vote YES On NRA Incorporation Amendment.
- Any issues involving damaged or potentially lost ballots should be reported to the regular Membership phone number at 1-800-672-3888. One of the staff there will take a full report so they can assess each situation individually. Especially early in the process, people should wait a couple of weeks before reporting their ballots as lost.
- DEA. The Drug Enforcement Administration is reportedly ending its unconstitutional searches of passengers at airports and other mass transit hubs after years of investigations by government watchdogs, civil liberties groups, and media outlets documenting how agents stole legal cash from innocent American travelers. No word on criminal prosecution of the DEA offenders.
- ATF. Zero sense. The National Shooting Sports Foundation says that despite media reports to the contrary, the ATF’s strict enforcement toward federally licensed gun stores is still very much alive and in force and the agency has not rescinded its “zero tolerance” policy.
- ATF repeatedly lied to convict sailor on false gun charges. Once again, no word on criminal charges for the complicit government minions.
The Only Ones
- New York State Trooper Thomas Mascia, 27, has now resigned after being suspended without pay and arrested on a felony charge for apparently staging his own shooting and making up a false story about it back in October. His parents were also arrested on felony weapons charges.
- A Childress, Texas police officer dropped and left a loaded pistol magazine on the grounds of a junior high school.
Department of Idiocy
- In the UK, the government is proposing that online knife buyers will be required to record a live video and submit an identity document, such as a passport, to prove their age. Currently, when someone orders knives on Amazon they have to enter their date of birth and are told: “Valid photographic ID with a date of birth may also be required upon delivery.” No word on prevention of “knife crimes” by adults.
- Stray Bullet Deaths: Accident and Injury Statistics Jan. – Sept. 2024
- 18-year-old arrested in botched armed robbery leading to teen’s shooting death: WHPD
- The Armed Citizen:
Not a DGU
- In Miami [FL], two people are dead, and two others have been injured after a man allegedly attacked a group of homeless people with a stick.
Tactics & Stuff
“Anyone willing to attack other passengers or threaten to take over an airplane is well beyond the point of reason. He’s also beyond the point of wristlocks, submission holds, pressure points, or any other control-oriented tactics. As such, your approach to stopping him (always the ultimate goal) should be breaking him to take away his ability to harm others.”
MS DWFP Gamebird Workshop. Shannon, MS 2/28-3/1
- Palmetto State Armory has the Sightmark Wraith 4K Mini 2-16X32 Night Vision Scope marked down to $449.99 – that is 50% off the MSRP. Does anyone have any experience with Sightmark electronic optics?
- The Winchester Supreme Optics thermal hunting sights line combines advanced thermal imaging at a value price point.
- The InfiTac Fast Mini FMP13 is a compact thermal scope designed primarily for pistols. $700.
- Bersa USA has a new line of silencers, known as WhisperTech, which comprises of 5 silencers: a .22 LR silencer called the B-22, a full-auto rated 5.56 silencer called B-556X, a 7.62/.30 caliber silencer called B-762, a 6.5mm precision silencer called B-65P, and a 9mm full-auto rated silencer called B-9X.
- Surefire’s updated UDR Dominator is apparently the biggest, baddest handheld flashlight, but it comes with a shoulder strap. 4,400 lumens and pushes an astounding 350,000 candela to a distance of more than 1,100 meters. Nine output levels. A foot long and 2.4 lbs. $1600.
- Colt has announced factory red dot mounts for its most popular revolvers like the Python, Anaconda, and King Cobra. No word on whether they fit the previous version of those guns.
- Rev Industries‘ double- and triple-stack high capacity revolver reloaders. Now you’re talking. Limited applications; .38 & .357 only. Just $20.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” – Edward R. Murrow