The Illinois Supreme Court upheld the state’s new massive gun and magazine ban last week. Look for a challenge to the law in federal court.
Safari Club International and the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation sent a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Department of Education over the Department’s misinterpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which would prohibit the use of federal funds for shooting sports, hunter education, and outdoor education programs in schools.
Hunter Biden’s sweetheart federal pretrial diversion deal on the felony illegal purchase of a gun charge seems to be down the toilet along with the rest of his deal, at least for now.
Alec Baldwin might – just might – be charged with manslaughter again in the “Rust” movie set killing after a forensic report released this week concluded that “This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger.” I don’t know how they decided the trigger was pulled last and not held back first, or that the hammer had to be all the way back. But this was after FBI reconstruction/repair of the gun, which probably amounts to tampering with evidence. We also don’t see where the FBI has any jurisdiction in the case.
A University of Chicago Report has found that 30 million Americans say violence is justified to keep former President Donald Trump from power. You can substitute any name they don’t want. Those are the same people who want your guns. I wonder why?
Rocky Marshall for NRA Board
The Only Ones
George Ryan Walters, 43, a Jones County, MS, reserve deputy accused of shooting and killing a man in a church parking lot earlier this year, has been indicted on an upgraded charge of first-degree murder and aggravated assault. Walters was originally charged with second-degree murder, but the charge was upgraded. Walters was off duty from his deputy job and was serving on the church’s security team at the time of the homicide.
- Don’t mess with mama.
- Another one.
- Shreveport. Two down, one to go.
- The Armed Citizen
- American Rifleman – August 11, 2023
- American Rifleman – August 14, 2023
- San Francisco – An Early August memo from the Department of Health and Human Services recommended that the hundreds of federal workers in San Francisco should work from home because of escalating crime and safety concerns in that ultra-liberal gun free zone.
- Hawaii
- Canada
Lock ‘n load
- Caught on camera: Armed cartel members crossing into the U.S. We understand this particular pair has been arrested.
“Environmental disaster waiting to happen:” Warnings about consequences of UK shooting ban.
Department of Dumb
- A Chicago community group called the Native Sons is calling for gang-bangers to refrain from shooting guns in Chicago between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. to reduce the risk to people “not involved in high risk activities.” I have different proposal.

Tactics & Stuff

- Hunters, outdoorsmen, picnickers, farmers and others: Watch out for big deadly holes in the ground.
- The victim selection process. You know this, but a refresher won’t hurt.
- 1911 pistol mags.
- Gun belts for women.
- Well I have a canoe. Now I just need the grenade launcher.
And I have to buy a house with a basement too…

The Other Ones
- Now cops are writing tickets to 3-year-olds.
What I’m Reading

Industry News
- The sporting goods division of Vista Outdoor will be rebranded as The Kinetic Group. Vista owns Bushnell, Federal Ammunition, Remington Ammunition, CCI/Speer, RCBS, Redfield, Uncle Mikes, Tasco, Simmons, Weaver, and the like.

- First aid products and training from Citizen Aid.
- Strike Industries has some interesting muzzle devices.
- Federal has added a 30 Super Carry load to its Punch defensive ammo lineup. The new load uses a 103-grain JHP bullet. $27 per box of 20. We remain unaware of any .380-sized pistol platform chambered for the 30 Super Carry, which was allegedly its whole rai·​son d’être, although some proponents have now abandoned that argument.
- Throom has some ricochet-proof knockdown targets.
“A motivated attacker isn’t going to be deterred by anything less than using more force against him than he is willing [or able – JP] to experience. Rape whistles, yelling the word ‘no,’ or racking a pump shotgun WILL NOT deter a motivated attacker. For that job, ruthless violence is the only solution.” – Greg Ellifritz
“Never call an unarmed person, ‘security.'” – Dave Grossman