Bad Justice System
The American Bar Association’s Plea Bargain Task Force revealed in a new report (pdf link) last week that 98% of federal criminal cases end in plea bargains rather than a trial. This is a problem. First, innocent people are taking plea deals because of corrupt cops and prosecutors who shouldn’t have brought charges in the first place, and because they can’t afford the cost of defense against the limitless-funded federal government. Second, actual criminals are getting a deal that they shouldn’t get. Read pages 6-7 of the report.
Confusion? There is no confusion. These are just unending attempts to find end-runs around the Constitution.
The American Suppressor Association Foundation and Silencer Shop helped file a lawsuit (pdf link) against the State of Illinois, alleging that Illinois’ ban on suppressor ownership and possession is an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment. Certainly prohibiting citizens’ possession of objects is generally unconstitutional, but I disagree that suppressors are arms and suggest that definition is without merit.
Bump stocks are once again legal – for the time being – in the Fifth Circuit (TX, LA, MS).
Maybe that is why Phillips took the Fifth Amendment for nearly every question asked about NRA finances during his deposition in the bankruptcy case. NRA in Danger also documents that Phillips was fired from his previous job for embezzlement.
- Jeff Knox on NRA changes
- NRA selling its headquarters? Well Wayne has to get his pocket change from somewhere.
The Journal of the American Medical Association is now claiming that hot weather causes “firearm violence,” (sic) and further blamed global warming for the hot weather, while also blaming racism for their finding that people of color (who they imply are the main perpetrators) are more exposed to heat than the more privileged classes. Well first of all, they used “data” from the anti-gun Gun Violence Archive. Secondly, correlation is not causation. And of course they didn’t explain Chicago vs. Gulfport, for example. That’s not to say there isn’t more violence in warmer weather, just that you can’t blame it on temperature or skin color. The good news is they suggested global cooling instead of taking your guns away.
Left-wing nutball talking head Keith Olberman recently tweeted, “Funny 2A doesn’t include the word ‘own’ or any synonym.” But as Amy Swearer pointed out, actually it does.
Can't stop, won't stop. https://t.co/z4Tc4IalN3 pic.twitter.com/7zkbLsIGll
— Amy Swearer (@AmySwearer) February 23, 2023
A Pentagon panel is calling for further disarmament of the U.S. armed forces.
More Military
- The Witch of Ukraine Reveals How “Teeny-Weeny” American Weapons Are Beating Russians
- The dismantling of the U.S. armed forces
The Only Ones
Two teenagers were wounded when an unidentified Louisville, KY, Metro Police officer fired his gun while he and other officers were responding with guns drawn to a complaint that a group of juveniles had entered a vacant garage in what was believed to be a stolen car. The officer was reportedly trying to detain the suspects when he shot them. There was no report that any of the suspects were at any time a threat to the officers.
An unidentified U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona was trying to arrest a suspect in a car when he “accidentally” shot the man through the windshield of the stopped car.
FBI. Driving drunk, stealing property, assaulting a child, mishandling classified documents, losing their service weapons, negligent discharges and more!
Springfield, IL, police respond to report of a prowler, seize homeowner’s gun instead.

Oh, Canada
A Canadian man was charged with murder after he shot a man in a group of home invaders who was attacking the defender’s mother.
The Oldest Gun in America?
The March issue of American Rifleman magazine has a fascinating article on this.
- The Armed Citizen – February 24, 2023
- The Armed Citizen – February 27, 2023
Percent of legally acquired gun used by offender: 0%
The ACLDN and Rangemaster (pdf link) March newsletters are out.
Note that ACLDN dues are increasing May 1. If you join up, request from me my member ID and please be sure to tell them I sent you.
- Teaching tip
- More on empty hand attacks
- School Defense –
- Questions for your child’s school
- Run, Hide, Fight. Active shooter response strategy for teachers.
“It is sometimes taught that fighting should be our last option. That is absolutely irresponsible and absurd.”
Industry News
- Ronnie Barrett: The Exit Interview
- The February 2023 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) count of 1,343,593 is a decrease of 0.6% compared to the February 2022 number of 1,352,105. February 2023 is the 43rd consecutive month that has exceeded 1 million adjusted background checks in a single month.
- If you find guns, ammo, etc. that you want at prices you can afford, buy it. Or, just keep learning that same lesson.
- Smith & Wesson’s new optics-ready M&P FPC (Folding Pistol Carbine) is a compact, side-folding black carbine chambered in 9mm. Shipped with one 17-round and two 23-round magazines, it has in-stock magazine storage with a quick-release latch and the magazines are interchangeable with M&P full-size and compact pistol double-stack magazines. $659.

- Affordable night vision (light amplification) scopes.
- Iver Johnson Arms now offers a Turkish-made 3.5″ chambered 12 ga. autoloading shotgun for just $483.
- Must be German…

Mississippi Legislation
2023 MS Gun Bills
Summary of gun related bills still alive this legislative session. NOT guaranteed complete.
Next deadline: March 8 floor action on bills originating in other house.
http://www.legislature.ms.gov/legislation/ (Apparently requires Microsoft Edge browser.)
HB 281
By: Rep. Currie
To: Jud. B
Provides that the beneficiary of a law enforcement officer who is killed in the line of duty may be allowed to purchase as his or her personal property one (1) sidearm which was issued to the law enforcement officer by the law enforcement agency by whom he or she was employed at the time of death.
HB 529
By: Rep. Bain
To: Jud. B
Unrelated Highway Patrol legislation which also “brings forward” Section 45-9-101 of the Mississippi Code, without making any changes. This is a common “place holder” move so that the legislature can make changes to the referenced code at a later date in the legislative process. This code section is the one containing the CCW license provisions. Keep an eye on it. Modifications so far have to do with recordkeeping and computers, insurance, and mail-in CCW license renewals.
HB 912
By: Reps. Anderson (122nd), Arnold, Bain, Brown (20th), Byrd, Calvert, Carpenter, Creekmore IV, Eure, Gibbs, Goodin, Hale, Hopkins, Ladner, Lancaster, Mangold, Massengill, McKnight, Miles, Newman, Rushing, Sanders, Scoggin, Shanks, Smith, Tullos, Turner, Wallace, Williamson, Zuber
To: Jud. B
Authorizes manufacture and possession of suppressors in Mississippi and prohibits enforcement of federal laws governing them if they are made and remain in the state.
HB 1105
By: Rep. Barnett
To: Jud. B
Authorizes investigators and regulatory enforcement personnel employed by the Secretary of State’s office to carry weapons.
HB 1110
By: Reps. Owen, Barnett, Bennett, Boyd (19th), Carpenter, Currie, Darnell, Felsher, Ford (73rd), Hobgood-Wilkes, Hopkins, Hulum, Lancaster, McCarty, McLean, Morgan, Newman, Pigott, Read, Scoggin, Shanks, Wallace, Williamson
To: Jud. B
Prohibits the misuse of payment card processing systems to surveil, report, or otherwise discourage constitutionally protected firearm and ammunition purchases within the State of Mississippi. Also prohibits Mississippi governments and agencies and employees or any other person, public or private, from knowingly and willfully keep or cause to be kept any list, record, or registry of privately owned firearms or any list, record, or registry of the owners of those firearms, with an exception for criminal investigations. Punishment is limited to allowing civil suits brought by victims for damages against any financial institution or government entity that causes the person’s protected financial information to be disclosed in violation.
HC 6
By: Reps. Scoggin, Hopkins
To: Rules
Declares Mississippi a “Second Amendment Sanctuary” state.
SB 2079
By: Sen. Hill
To: Education; Judiciary A
Mississippi School Protection Act. Allows school systems to designate certain faculty or staff as armed, and pays them extra. Requires enhanced CCW license and LEO firearms training. Comes with some liability protection for the person and creates a layer of program bureaucracy. School staff with the enhanced CCW license are already legal to carry in schools.
SB 2245
By: Sen. England
To: Jud. B
Authorizes law enforcement agencies to sell seized/forfeited weapons and use the proceeds to purchase equipment for that agency. Probably a bad idea, since it gives LEOs incentive to seize weapons, perhaps without just legal cause. Money should instead go to the STATE’s general fund.
SB 2347
By: Sens. England, Wiggins, Thompson
To: Jud. B
Allows certain kinds of private hospitals to establish their own police force, with guns, arrest powers, etc. Really bad idea.