Rule 4
Communications companies are reminding dove hunters to not shoot toward utility lines. A couple of recent incidents in the state resulted in $50,000 worth of damage to fiber optic cables, causing communication outages in the area due to birdshot.
The Second Amendment Foundation and others are challenging in federal court a new California state law that allows state government officials to seek legal fees from plaintiffs if they are unsuccessful on any of their claims. It creates a situation where plaintiffs may have to pay the state’s legal fees even if a court agrees to strike down the law they challenged, such as the new batch of unconstitutional gun control laws.
The Second Amendment Foundation, the Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., and two private citizens have filed a federal lawsuit (pdf link) in U.S. District Court challenging a new gun control law adopted in New York State following the Supreme Court’s nullification of its previous “proper cause” law for concealed carry permits. SAF notes that the new law is unconstitutional because it bans the lawful, licensed carry of firearms in so-called “sensitive places,” and presumptively most property in the state, creating a de facto ban on firearms carry for personal protection.
The New York State Jewish Gun Club also plans to sue New York for banning firearms in places of worship, calling it “unconstitutional.” Well, duh. Mississippi has the same problem. Now I ask you, how can a law possibly be constitutional when it criminalizes activity in a church that is completely legal on the public sidewalk out in front of the church?
Related: Registration leads to confiscation. In the U.S.A. Again.
“If this applies to your place of business, please bring your applicable firearm(s) to your local precinct in order for it to be safeguarded for you.”
Dick Heller wins again; Washington, D.C. caves. I’m thinking “Heller” should be a verb.
Case: Aurora, CO, officer shoots non-threatening, non-lawbreaking citizen in his own house.
An observer has noted a potential backfire of microstamping laws. Imagine if you will a perpetrator collecting fired microstamped brass from other guns and scattering it around his own crime scene. Now imagine the forensics involved and the machinations of the legal defense team when presented with a literal bucket full of reasonable doubt.
New anti-gun credit card rule. Note that it is the International Standards Organization, not the credit-card companies themselves, that creates the merchant category codes, but the majority of credit card companies do appear to be anti-gun.
Make no mistake: the purpose of this is to prohibit/eliminate the use of credit cards for purchases from gun retailers, in turn killing the business. Period. Clearly if a gun buyer passes the required FBI background check and the sale is approved, the credit company will have no reason to believe the sale indicates illegal activity when it shows up on their gun owner database.
The fallout from the new rule is already starting, although it appears this store seems to think ammo or in-store firearm sales will not be subject to the new code.
Virulently anti-gun U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who has represented New York in Congress for the last 20 years, was soundly defeated in the Democratic primary for her recently combined New York City district. Good riddance.
Rob Telles is a gun control Democrat who held office as Clark County Public Administrator in Las Vegas and supports the gun ban group March for Our Lives. He often tweeted about the need for gun control. He also tweeted about Jeff German, a member of the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s investigative team, who wrote about Mr. Telles’ shortcomings on several occasions. Now Rob Telles has been arrested for the stabbing murder of Mr. German. We also learned that as Public Administrator, Telles sold firearms as part of settling estates. So the gun banner is a gun seller and an accused murderer.
Anti-gun U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) who is running for mayor of Los Angeles, announced Saturday that her home was “burglarized” and that the only things stolen were two firearms, despite being “safely and securely stored,” while cash and other valuables were untouched. Although two men were later arrested in connection to the alleged burglary, this story sounds very fishy.
Florida Rep. Charlie Crist, the “Republican-turned-Democrat” gubernatorial opponent of Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, told the ultra-liberal “The View” hosts last week that he supports the Second Amendment but wants to ban guns. Crist also said he now supports abortion, amnesty for illegal immigrants and queer marriage.
UPS has stepped up its anti-gun campaign by requiring online sellers to ship an average of 50 handguns daily to use its 2nd Day Air service. Sellers who do not ship at least 350 handguns a week risk losing their shipping accounts. A manufacturer will have to ship 18,250 handguns a year or will be cut off from UPS 2nd Day Air Service.
After Shunning Good Guy Gun Owners, Retailers Now Hiring Them For Armed Security.
I think I’m gonna buy a jig and stuff just to tick off the Left. If I do, it will be available for free loan. I rarely miss a chance to buy a tool.
Rethinking “Show me your hands!”
Lesson for the public: Don’t move. If told to move, do it very slowly while informing the officer that you are complying slowly.
Lessons learned the hard way
How not to be a military double expert rifleman. A graphic reminder that military weapons training isn’t sufficient and sometimes just plain wrong.
“How many of you would believe that a class taught by one instructor to 60 or more inexperienced students would produce quality shooters? What if the class progressed even if you didn’t understand the instruction, and that if you didn’t miss 25% or more of your shots, you would qualify as a success? Would you expect someone with this kind of experience to be considered an advanced shooter? Essentially, this is what military training consists of.” – Ben Johnson, USMC combat vet
Knockout Game
We have a report of a resurgence of the “knockout game.” This is more likely to occur in large cities and urban areas. Potentially fatal. Be aware. Keep your nose out of your phone.
Survey Says…
The National Firearms Survey, conducted in 2021 and updated earlier this year. Is reportedly the largest-ever survey of gun owners.
- 1.67 million citizen DGUs annually
- 31.1% of firearms owners have used a firearm in self-defense
- 50 million defensive incidents
- 82% did not require firing a shot
Other surveys show that criminologists and economists had the same top four preferred policies for stopping mass public shootings. On a 1-to-10 scale, American criminologists rated the following policies most highly: Allow K-12 teachers to carry concealed handguns (6.0), allow military personnel to carry on military bases (5.6), encourage the elimination of gun-free zones (5.3), and relax federal regulations that pressure companies to create gun-free zones (5.0).
The top four policies for economists were the same, but in a different order: Encourage the elimination of gun-free zones (7.9), relax federal regulations that pressure companies to create gun-free zones (7.8), allow K-12 teachers to carry concealed handguns (7.7), and allow military personnel to carry on military bases (7.7).

- 17-year-old armed with shotgun kills 2 suspects during attempted home invasion
- Woman kills crazed ex-boyfriend who drove into, shot and killed her family and attacked her with a knife. Apparently not a defensive GUN use. Probably should have been.
The Only Ones
Security guards assigned to four Cuyahoga County, OH courthouses won’t be permitted to carry firearms in those buildings because of a legal opinion recently issued by the county prosecutor’s office on a state statute against carrying firearms in courthouses. Though sheriff’s deputies are exempted under that statute, the county’s lawyers determined that protective service officers like security guards are not. We can assume that the state statute applies to courthouses statewide.
- Chicago Blows Past 500 Homicides So Far in 2022, More Than 32 ENTIRE States Totaled in 2020. Maybe they need more gun laws.
About those anti-gun casino hotels
Rail gun?
- An armed mugger fleeing cops on a Bronx subway train died early Tuesday when he fell between cars and was electrocuted by the third rail.
Details sometimes matter
Extreme barrel length vs. velocity
Failure to extract
Shotgun notes
Notes From Shotgun Class
Rifles on duty
S&W Revolver Disassembly
How To Disassemble a Modern S&W Revolver
Industry news
Federal Ammunition is expanding its ammunition output with the recent addition of its new Raw Materials Warehouse being built in Coon Rapids, MN…
…which will be useful, since Federal has been awarded a 5-year contract to produce the United States Army’s AA40 5.56mm frangible training ammunition valued at $114 million.
S&W says its sales have dropped by 69% over the last year, which means they’re approximately back to normal. Profits dropped by about 75%. Mark Smith, President and CEO of Smith & Wesson, told investors the contraction was “fully within our expectations,” and the company continues to pay stock dividends.
- CMP Announces Round 3 of 1911 Sales
- Browning is offering some models of its Citori O/U shotgun in 16 gauge.
- Beretta’s A400 Upland shotgun is now offered in a 3″ 28 gauge model. $1829.
- EAA’s new Girsan MCP35 Match and MCP35 OPS “Hi Power” pistol variants feature all-steel construction, extended beavertail, fiber optic front sight, G10 grips, straight clean-break trigger, beveled magwell and adjustable rear sight. The MCP35 OPS has an integrated accessory rail.
- Standing Manufacturing has announced its limited production SG22 pistol, based on the Browning-designed Colt Woodsman, with a button magazine release, walnut target grips and target sights. There are two versions. Both pistols have 6-5/8″ barrels, one with a blued barrel and frame and the other case colored engraved. Starting at $1000. I once shot a borrowed Woodsman, and got near-immediate hits on Coke cans at 100 yards, standing offhand with iron sights. My buddy wouldn’t sell it.
They don’t make ’em like they used to. “Yeah, that’s a good thing.” – Tom Gresham
“Blessed are those who, in the face of death, think only about the front sight.” – Jeff Cooper