Action item
Use this GOA page to urge your U.S. Senators to support the Senate filibuster, which is the only thing stopping passage of a lot of gun control these days. Takes 1 minute. Both Mississippi senators are already on board.
Democrats seek to ram through Biden judicial nominee despite criminal record.
Defense Distributed vs. ATF
Defense Distributed has launched their new 0% receivers, thumbing our noses at the ATF’s “80%” nonsense and daring them to ban simple blocks of metal. The CNC code for the 0% receivers will be available for the Ghost Gunner 3. The Ghost Gunner is a home three-axis CNC mill that can turn simple metal blocks into finished gun parts in less than an hour.
Fast & Furious
Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office has lodged weapons trafficking charges against seven people, including two of that country’s former top police officials – Genaro Garcia Luna, who served as Public Security secretary under former Mexican President Felipe Calderón, and Luis Cárdenas Palomino, a close collaborator of GarcÃa Luna’s and former head of intelligence for Mexico’s now-defunct Federal Police. The charges stem from the U.S. ATF’s “Fast and Furious” felonious government weapons trafficking scandal that illegally sent thousands of U.S. weapons across the border to known Mexican criminals. GarcÃa Luna is currently imprisoned in the U.S. awaiting trial on charges of receiving bribes from JoaquÃn “El Chapo” Guzmán, the head of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel. But the U.S. has not to my knowledge ever charged any of its own responsible federal officials for their crimes in hatching and executing the scheme. So apparently the Mexican justice system works better than ours.
Gun control lies & liars
A commenter notes that although the Left claims that the firearm industry is the only one that enjoys legal protection from lawsuits, that is false. The Protection in Lawful Commerce in Arms Act only protects the industry from frivolous lawsuits when the defendants have done nothing illegal and have not allegedly marketed a defective product. However the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 – upheld by SCOTUS in 2018 – preempts ALL design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by a vaccine’s side effects.
As usual.
- UC Davis Study Reveals What Happens to a Disarmed Populace (more here)
- Researcher Admits Massachusetts’ Severe Gun-Control Laws Aren’t Stopping Crimes
CCRKBA’s Current List of Anti-Gun Businesses You Should Avoid Giving Your Money
Dick’s Sporting Goods estimates that its decision to stop selling “automatic” weapons cost it about $250 million in revenue, not because they made that much on guns but because we stopped shopping there altogether. Meanwhile, a former Dick’s location in Pennsylvania is now being used as a gun show venue.
NRA updates
The NY Attorney General continues to dig, and is likely finding things.
The NY Attorney General has also subpoenaed the files on the arbitration between NRA and Chris Cox, purged head of ILA and the former biggest threat to replace EVP Wayne LaPierre.
And yet more LaPierre thievery.
The Only Ones
Wake County, NC, Sheriff’s Deputy Jordan Christopher Maith, 25, has been terminated from his position and was arrested last week on a misdemeanor charge of assault by pointing a gun.
A handgun belonging to Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “C.J.” Davis was stolen during a daytime vehicle burglary of her husband’s 2018 Porsche Panamera last weekend. Memphis PD has been one of the more vocal departments urging citizens not to leave unsecured guns in vehicles, which is also a violation of MPD policy. But she is “special.” Also, why wasn’t she carrying it?
An unidentified off-duty rookie Chicago police officer was “taken into custody” and relieved of police powers after shooting three people at a bowling alley brawl in south suburban Blue Island this week.
Rankin County 4-H needs instructors
The Rankin County, MS, 4-H Shooting Sports programs are in need of more volunteer shooting instructors.
4-H Youth Development Agent Heather Jennings says “We are looking for anyone that is 21 years of age or older that would like to go through our 4-H volunteer application process, then attend a one-day training within the various discipline that they would like to teach. Our volunteers are the backbone of our program, and without them, we can’t deliver the program. If I don’t have instructors, I can’t deliver programs, and I would hate to do that to any kids.”
For more information, or to become a certified instructor, contact Heather Jennings at 601-825-1462 or [email protected].
CMP competition
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is now sanctioning a series of simulated head-to-head rifle, pistol and CMP Games events for competitors to participate in from their home ranges. Known as the CMP League Matches, the new program will be open to any CMP Affiliated Clubs that can hold them on a regular schedule. An average score will be computed by CMP’s Competition Tracker, with awards distributed to the top competitors from around the country.
The doves I hunt…

Ammo prices
ZeroHedge makes the case that recent ammunition price increases aren’t a matter of costs going up, but simply of profit. It’s a pretty good case, but fails to adequately address the claim that pretty much all US ammo makers are running at maximum production capacity 24/7.

The NSSF has learned, from several manufacturers of firearms, ammunition and ammo components, of bogus websites and web scams aimed at consumers who are eager to purchase these high-demand products. NSSF warns consumers to take steps to confirm the websites they are using are legitimate. I believe I have seen a few of these myself. Some things that tipped me off were store street addresses in Washington, D.C. and New York City – stores which could not be confirmed to exist, much less possess an FFL. They also may refuse to accept any form of payment other than gift cards, Venmo, Zelle, Bitcoin, etc. These forms of payment offer no fraud protection to the buyer and are therefore popular with fraudsters. That is a big red flag. In addition, sometimes the payee of some of these forms is a foreign-sounding individual’s name or email rather than the store name or email.
The .17 HMR will be 20 years old this year, with over a billion rounds sold. If you don’t have one you have a lot of catching up to do. Get one, or more. Trust me.
I’m still digesting the hype surrounding the interesting new 30 Super Carry (30 SC) round. It seems that the bulk of the discussion touts the 30 SC’s performance numbers being close to the 9mmP, while allowing a couple of additional rounds to be loaded into the “same” magazine in the same pistol. I don’t get it. Go to a completely different, smaller round in the same gun to gain another round or two with no performance advantage? You should be carrying a spare mag (or more) all the time anyway. They also talk about the new round being nicely “in between” the .380 ACP and the 9mmP performance-wise, as if it solves the .380 vs. 9mm conundrum. But nobody is (yet) talking about putting the 30 SC into a true .380-sized micro pistol. Now THAT would be a plus in both performance and capacity. But I wonder if it can happen, considering the max operating pressure of the .380 is 21,500 psi while the 30 SC is reported at 50,000 psi. Do you really want to put 50,000 psi in your LCP? Remington, Federal, Speer, and CCI have announced 30 SC ammo, at around $0.60-$1.75 per round, but we suspect you won’t be able to find it.
Smith & Wesson’s new CSX micro 9mm pistol line is built on an aluminum alloy frame with interchangeable polymer back straps, has 12+1 capacity (plus an additional 10 round magazine – we don’t know why 10 instead of 12), and is a single action only design with a hammer and 1911-style manual safety. No word on its availability in the new .30 Super Carry cartridge. $609.
Federal has a new .357 Magnum HST load with a 154 grain JHP bullet, and a .327 Federal Magnum HST load with a 104 grain JHP bullet. No velocities given. $2 per round.
SIG SAUER Launches Commercial Variant of U.S. Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon MCX-Spear and 277 SIG FURY Ammunition
Browning has a lot of new gun versions out for 2022, including THREE more 16 gauge “Sweet Sixteen” shotguns.
Warcat has some really inexpensive holsters for a few polymer pistols. Check ’em out.
Do y’all remember when shotshell manufacturers labeled shell lines with their intended quarry, such as “Dove & Quail,” “Rabbit & Squirrel,” or “Duck & Pheasant?” Well, I need some labeled “Beaver, Coon & ‘Possum.”
Did you know?
- Beretta weapons have been used in every European war since 1650.
- Black Vultures vs. Turkey Vultures