Independence Day is Sunday. Be Independent.
Still my favorite patriotic performance:
Brownells is helping you with your homework. Take advantage.
Yes, it’s boring, but do some of your own homework.
After U.S. Sen. John Cornyn backed out of talks with Sen. Chris Murphy to pass universal background checks, we have a report that Sens. Lindsey Graham and Pat Toomey are now trying to take Cornyn’s place to pass the ban on private gun sales.
You can take action here. It’s editable, and I suggest you take out the political threats.

Charitable organizations soliciting funds in California must disclose the identities of their major donors to the state Attorney General’s Office. SCOTUS ruled this week that California’s disclosure requirement is facially invalid because it burdens donors’ First Amendment rights and is not narrowly tailored to an important government interest. FYI, the government has very few actual important interests, no matter what the courts say – check the Constitution.
- Leaked ATF Guidance: Private Gunmakers Are Criminals, Terrorists & Extremists.
- More leaked ATF info: ATF is collecting information on gun buyers who used background-checked CCW permits in lieu of a NICS check for the sale, and is running retroactive NICS checks on them. Related, there are apparently also more delayed/uncompleted NICS checks these days, due to demand.
Just wait until Chipmunk gets there.

- How to Use a Blackjack or Sap, Step by Step (Except I don’t think they’re legal here.)
Read it.
The ACLDN and Rangemaster July newsletters are out.
Must read
Stephen Halbrook has written a new treatise on the history of gun rights litigation in American courts. Although he (in my view) fails to illustrate all of the courts’ sometimes massive failures, this is still a great lesson. It’s a LONG read, but you have an extra day this weekend.
(Hint: 2A says nothing about popularity or common use.)
“You seem … to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy… The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1820
Most effective camo pattern by region in the U.S.

Apparently the U.S. Air Force fitness test is being revised so that one can pass by literally going for a stroll. I must be a general by now.
Smith & Wesson reported its best sales year ever in 2020, topping $1.1 BILLION in net sales for the first time ever, up more than 100% from 2019.
June 2021 saw more than 1.2 million gun sales nationwide, the second-best June on record, according to NSSF-adjusted FBI numbers. The month fell by about 900,000 sales from the all-time record in 2020 and was a slight decline from the 1.3 million sold in May.

It turns out that the Winchester/Browning 9mm ammo recall also includes some lots of Herter’s branded 9mm.

Ruger’s new LCP MAX offers 10+1 rounds of .380 ACP in the same footprint as the LCP II. A 12-round accessory magazine slightly extends the grip length while doubling the capacity of the legacy LCP. It also has sights, tritium in the front.