Action Items
Democrats in the U.S. Senate are trying to eliminate the filibuster rule – a procedure that effectively requires senators to first obtain 60 votes (out of 100) before they can move legislation. With the Democrats in control of the House, Senate, and Presidency, the filibuster may be our last recourse to prevent passage of bad federal legislation including gun bans, gun owner registration and more, including lots of leftist stuff unrelated to guns, and stacking the courts. As I understand it, fortunately the filibuster has been preserved for the next two years. I hope you’re already working to try to take the U.S. Senate back from Democrat control. When we find some flippable Senate seats, send some money to the conservative side in those races.
Send your letter supporting Mississippi’s HCR23 – Make Mississippi a Bill of Rights Sanctuary State (the bottom half of the form).
Maryland Shall Issue, Inc., v. Hogan, is an NRA-backed case challenging Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Law in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland.
Aposhian v. Barr update, and where to find ammo.

Also, the NRA apparently has membership renewals and upgrades on sale until Feb. 19. I DO suggest remaining a member.
We have a report that some members of the new administration are suggesting “deprogramming” for former Trump supporters.

Immediately following Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trigger Firearms & Reloading, in Jefferson City, Missouri, published a statement indicating the company will no longer sell ammunition or firearms to his supporters. While I certainly support the right of any private entity to do or not do business with whomever it chooses, I think this act is a mistake, because many of these people are not our enemies and voted the way they did for reasons other than Second Amendment rights. Further, there are significant missed opportunities to educate their customers on the issues.
Biden’s early agenda.
“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.” — U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, 11/18/93, Associated Press interview
Shot across the bow – Biden administration interfering with banking rule.

It was reported this week that gun ban proponent Gabby Giffords told Variety magazine that “police violence is gun violence.” First, if no gun was involved, there’s no way to classify an incident as “gun violence.” Second, guns do not commit violence. Third, see the statutes on legal or justifiable use of deadly force, especially by police. Fourth, violence is not by definition a bad thing. I could continue, but I’m busy.

(Giffords is pictured here with fellow gun banner and accused pedophile, Chicago Rev. Michael Pfleger, who is presumed innocent until found otherwise in court.)
Former Kimber Mfg. Inc. Vice President of Sales Ryan Busse, who claims he “believes strongly in the second amendment” has had an opinion piece published in a Montana newspaper in which he supports bans on constitutional carry. Busse’s second amendment must be different from mine. Mine doesn’t say you need prior government permission to peaceably exercise a constitutional right. Busse left Kimber last August. The Kimber company and leadership has a history of contributing to liberal candidates who are not in our corner. I have in the past considered Kimber pistols and rifles, but found better alternatives.
Financial technology company Payroc has partnered with the National Wild Turkey Federation to provide members and businesses with discounted credit card processing rates and world-class financial technology to further streamline their business operations. Presumably they won’t balk at processing gun purchases.
The Only Ones
A Texas grand jury has indicted another Houston police officer on a murder charge and indicted eight more current and former officers in what authorities described as a long-term scheme to steal overtime money that was discovered after an investigation of a deadly 2019 raid.
Officer Felipe Gallegos was indicted on a charge of murder in the Jan. 28, 2019, killing of Dennis Tuttle, 59, after members of a Houston Police Department narcotics squad carried out a drug raid at his home. Tuttle’s wife, Rhogena Nicholas, 58, and their dog were also killed in a shootout with authorities.
Several officers were previously charged in the botched raid that involved a bogus “no knock” warrant.
Big Brother
Before you can legally collect shed antlers in Utah, you must complete the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources’ “Antler Gathering Ethics Course.” Really?
We see that Vista Outdoors (Federal Premium) has been awarded a new multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract for FBI 5.56 ammo. But in this time of ammo shortage, private ammo makers should first supply the citizen market. The government can take care of itself. That’s why it built armories and ammo plants.
If you or someone you are close to is a combat veteran or “first responder” with real-world experience, have you written down those experiences? I know that many times combat veterans do not wish to re-live their time in-country or don’t want their close loved ones to know what they went through, but those stories are many times an integral part of not only who you are, but who we are as a people and are interwoven into our national fabric. Please consider writing them down or dictating them and giving them to someone for preservation. We need to know them, and future generations need to know.
Harry Beal (1930–2021), first U.S. Navy SEAL.
Armscor International’s new VR82 Semi-Auto Shotgun is a 20 gauge version of the VR80, an AR-style shotgun. Mobil chokes. Detachable box magazines of up to 20 rounds. Now it’s getting interesting. 7.5 lbs., $729.
Area 419 has high-end reloading equipment. I bet they’re not sold out.
5.11 Tactical now has tactical tennis shoes, just in case anyone is playing in a “three-gun” tennis match, I guess.
Arrowhead Tactical Apparel has “athletic” clothing (sweatpants and such) designed for CCW.
Throom Targets are a polymer replacement for steel plates, with the attendant advantages, including of course, zero ricochets and splashback. They have a version that is a knockdown. Now if they can just replicate the ringing of a hit. Maybe attach a bell?
Elite Tactical Systems Group has clear polymer 40-round magazines for 9mm Smith and Wesson M&P, Sig P320, and HK VP9 pistols. $27.
Shoot over complete cover with the Silver Shadow Corner Shot Scorpion
AR-15 Magazine Dispenser – Now if they would make it in vending machine form, stock it with loaded mags, and place them everywhere. I’m seeing them next to every ATM…
Federal Premium has a new 2.5″ 32 gauge bird load. 11/16 oz. of #8 shot. Now I just have to find a gun…
Kansas-based SmartGunz has announced that its Sentry pistol, the company’s first product, will begin shipping in the 2nd quarter of 2021. The Sentry is a 9x19mm 1911 style pistol which uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to enable the gun to be used only by its designated user who must be wearing the magic glove. Uhm, you first. $2500.
“The prohibitionists want to ban us from owning AR15 rifles and eighteen-shot Glock pistols. They tell us we don’t need them for self-defense, and that if there’s trouble, we should just call the police… who will of course arrive with AR15s and Glock pistols or equivalent…and will probably not get there in time.” – Massad Ayoob