Josh Powell, Wayne LaPierre’s chief of staff who was previously demoted from executive director of general operations, has left the NRA. Powell was responsible for NRA’s disastrous Carry Guard insurance and training scheme, and was accused in TWO separate sexual harassment allegations while working for the NRA.
New York’s Department of Financial Services on Wednesday filed civil charges against the NRA, claiming the organization offered insurance to members without a license while pocketing some of their premiums.
The 2020 NRA Board of Directors candidates I am voting for are:
- Anthony Colandro
- Graham Hill
- Frank Tait
- Phillip Journey
Others worthy of consideration:
- Robert Mansell
- Todd J. Rathner
- Steve Schreiner
- Niger Innis
- James Wallace
- Mark Vaughn
- Mark Robinson
- Kevin Hogan
- Paul Babaz
I would NOT vote for:
- Charles Cotton
- Ron Schmeitz
- Alan Cors
This is based on recommendations from leaders of the Save The Second group, formed to reform the NRA, and others.
- Rob Pincus Announces His Picks for 2020 NRA Board of Director Ballot ~ VIDEOS [Ammoland]
- 2020 NRA Board Election: My Choices [No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money]
- AmmoLand News Endorses Graham Hill for 2020 NRA Board of Directors [Ammoland]
- 2020 NRA BoD Election, Jeff Knox Lists His Picks for Votes & NO Votes [Ammoland]
Due to a number of resignations from the Board over the past year, this year’s ballot involves 31 seats, rather than the 25 that are normally up for election. But the fewer names you mark on the ballot, the better your chance of electing them.
Please vote.
About Bloomberg’s Lying Super Bowl Ad
We were also reminded this week that during a December 20, 2012, Nightline interview Michael Bloomberg suggested guns holding more that three rounds was a threshold for differentiating between regular firearms and “assault weapons,” which he said should be banned. All the while, Bloomberg is himself surrounded by armed guards with “assault weapons.”
Meridian, MS, Mayor Percy Bland (D) and R.I. Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) have endorsed gun-banning Mike Bloomberg for president in the Democrat Primary.
Elizabeth Warren this week commemorated a deceased felon’s birthday by calling for more gun control, implying that the felon’s law-abiding victim should have been disarmed and wound up being the dead one, instead of the felon.

Airbnb has announced a partnership with the anti-gun Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns that will provide $300,000 over three years to prop up their nonsense.
Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly released new guidance late last week that will prohibit foreign military students training in the US from owning personal firearms. Yeah, that should prevent massacres at Navy bases.
John Connor: Chalk and Cheese
We note that if you drop a box of chalk on the floor and hit it with a big hammer, it is no more.

Hold My Guns
Hold My Guns is an organization offering a discreet, voluntary method to connect responsible firearm owners with private off-site storage options, through a national network of storage partners (gun shops and FFLs), during times of travel, military deployment, mental illness, personal crises, court-ordered temporary disarmament or illicit red flag law action. Requires 4473 forms to retrieve YOUR guns.
The Only Ones
Former British Prime Minister David Cameron’s police bodyguard was suspended after a panic ensued on British Airways flight from New York’s JFK airport to London’s Heathrow when a British passenger found his loaded pistol he accidentally left in jet’s toilet. Cameron is automatically entitled to round-the-clock armed protection for life from Scotland Yard’s elite Specialist Protection Branch. The pilot/captain knew the legally armed officer was aboard, but capitulated to the passenger’s demands that the gun be removed from the plane before takeoff. The unidentified officer has been removed from operational duties and is expected to face disciplinary action and an investigation by the force’s Directorate of Professional Standards.
West Freeway church shooting analysis (.pdf document)
Should have been a DGU
A 76-year-old disabled man was killed by four dogs in Attala County, MS. Carry. Always.
Meanwhile, reported that two armed masked men are accused of invading a Jacksonville, FL, family’s home after carjacking another woman’s car at gunpoint and crashing it. One of the victims told Action News Jax that during the home invasion, ONE OF THE SUSPECTS TOLD HIM HE SHOULD GET A GUN TO PROTECT HIS FAMILY.”
I carry a gun every day, by Ernie Traugh
We have a report that Kimber is now shipping new K6s revolvers with a newly designed firing pin made of steel. This is an apparent response to ongoing issues with breakages of the original, titanium firing pin, which does not play well with revolvers, particularly when dry firing. I believe Kimber will replace your firing pin upon request.
On January 20th, KelTec announced that its 9mm P11 pistol would be discontinued. The KelTec P11 was first produced in 1995 and was claimed to be the first double-stack polymer-framed subcompact pistol to be brought to the market. They are still nice pocket pistols.
We have a report that Bushmaster, DPMS, StormLake Barrels and Tapco will no longer be produced, with the exception of the Bushmaster BA50. Remington, which owns these brands, reportedly will instead be focusing on their core hunting and shooting brands – AAC, Barnes, Marlin and Remington.
Revision CV Ammo Pod Speedloader Review (around $7 each)
Revision CV has been added in to the speedloader comparison article.
The .45-70 BFR snubby. Because you can.
Weatherby’s Mark V Backcountry Ti bolt rifle weighs less than five pounds and comes with a sub-MOA accuracy guarantee. Available in high performance calibers from .240 Wby. Mag. to .300 Wby. Mag., including some left-handed versions. About $3400.
Nighthawk Custom has a DROP IN Trigger System assembly for 1911 pistols. An all-in-one unit, the DTS replaces the existing hammer, hammer strut, sear, disconnector, and sear spring and installs using existing pins and no other parts or special tools. The DTS is not used in Nighthawk custom 1911 handguns, but is intended to be utilized as an upgrade to production 1911s. $300.