All-American double rifle

Gun girl. Collectibles. All-American double rifle.

You know you’re a gun girl if . . .

  • You have a box or a drawer dedicated to holsters.
  • You have more than eight gun-related t-shirts.
  • You think about on-body carry and holster options while choosing your outfits.
  • You criticize TV shows and movies when they get firearms terms and actions wrong.
  • You drool over the latest models from your favorite gun manufacturers.
  • You have at least one piece of jewelry made from a bullet or a casing.
  • Your range bag contains lip gloss and hair accessories along with your gun, magazines, etc.
  • Your purse always has a spent cartridge (or more) somewhere inside.
  • You can easily show off photos of your children…and your guns.
  • Your nightstand has at least one gun book nestled between the novels or magazines.
  • You have a love/hate relationship with pink firearms.
  • You believe gunmetal gray is the new black.
  • You’ve done the hot brass dance a time or two, thanks to a non gun-friendly blouse.
  • You know the joys of a zero-down target.
  • You actually lost count of how many guns you have.
  • You’ve had to trim or file your manicured fingernails because they got in the way of shooting.
  • You have at least one gun that you purchased because “it’s pretty.”
  • You can rock a pair of combat boots with just about anything.
  • You spent more money on ammo last year than on shoes.
  • Your firearms might actually be cleaner than your refrigerator.
  • Your idea of a good date night ends with the annihilation of a paper target.
  • You believe firearms—not diamonds—are a girl’s best friend.



Steve Fjestad (Blue Book of Gun Values — available at Amazon) says a 1950’s era shipping box for a Colt Python (just the box without the gun) is now worth $1500. If the mint gun was in the box, ~$18,000.

The All-American Double Rifle (details here)

All-American double rifle


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