More enemies…

In the recent Texas governor’s race, both candidates proclaimed their support for open carry and the expansion of gun rights in TX. But now, the losing candidate, Democrat Sen. Wendy Davis, says that she opposes allowing the open carry of handguns and that she wishes she had a do-over on the support she expressed for the idea in her unsuccessful run for governor.

So she’s a liar. Apparently a large percentage of gun banners are unsuccessful liars.

PBS’ Frontline program has done another hit piece on the NRA. PBS has long been anti-gun.

Forbes magazine says that Washington, D.C. is the second most “gun-friendly state” in the US, after Wyoming. Well, I think we previously advised that Forbes is not to be trusted. There’s your proof.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is offering free gun locks to veterans if they provide details on the number of guns they own and their home address, apparently because they’re creating a government-run gun registry.

We have a report from one of their cardholders that MBNA does not allow transactions with gun related businesses.

A Dallas, TX area Walmart store refused to print a picture from a couple’s engagement roll, because it featured the groom with his favorite Ruger Red Label shotgun safely displayed. The clerk said the chain has a policy of no pictures of weapons, “because it would promote gang culture.”

Walmart corporate says they have no such policy. But the couple didn’t get their picture, and we see no mention of corporate discipline of the hoplophobic employee.

No gun pics? Really?

There’s more to the story. The groom works for a TV station owned by Gannett (an anti-gun mob), and part of his job is creating manuals for hunter safety and outdoor recreation.

The couple says the thing they didn’t want was to turn this into was a debate about the Second Amendment. But they should.

DON’T go see the Liam Neeson movie “Taken 3.” He’s a gun banner who has reportedly been entertaining conversion to Islam.


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